February 15, 2024
Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament is a crafting material used to create Epic-quality gear in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery phase two. This material is essential for crafting Leatherworking, Tailoring, Engineering, and Blacksmithing recipes.
There are two ways to obtain Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament in Season of Discovery:
Buy it from the Auction House: Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament can be purchased from the Auction House. However, the prices are usually high, with one filament selling for around 25 gold.
Craft it yourself: If you don't have enough gold to buy Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament, you can craft it yourself. To do this, you will need Tailoring level 200 and the Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament recipe.
To craft one Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament, you will need the following materials:
To obtain the Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament recipe, you need to visit The Clean Zone in Gnomeregan and find Ziri "The Wrench" Littlesprocket. Here's how to find her:
Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament is a valuable crafting material required for creating powerful gear in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. Whether you choose to buy it or craft it yourself, obtaining this material is crucial for players looking to enhance their DPS or healing capabilities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can acquire Hyperconductive Arcano-Filament and create the gear you need to stay competitive in the game.
Liam "CyberScribe" Fletcher, a Kiwi with a flair for fast-paced gameplay and articulate narratives, has emerged as a prominent voice at EsportRanker. Diving deep into the esports universe, Liam crafts comprehensive reviews, strategic insights, and captivating tales from behind the screens.