February 13, 2024
If you're searching for a Secret Cocktail Recipe in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, it can be a bit of a nightmare if you don't know where to look. In this guide, we'll show you how to complete the side quest titled The Forbidden Spirit and find the recipe.
The side quest, The Forbidden Spirit, becomes available in Chapter 6 of Granblue Fantasy: Relink. It takes place in the city of Seedhollow. In this quest, a city guard asks you to find a Secret Cocktail Recipe. The good news is that the recipe is not locked behind a super difficult Proud quest or something you need to farm for during the endgame. Instead, it is treated as an Archive Entry, one of the glowing purple orbs found throughout the game.
To find the Secret Cocktail Recipe, you need to navigate the city of Seedhollow. The city's layout can be confusing, and there is no map to help you. However, we'll guide you through the process.
Once you have the recipe, you can instantly warp back to the client via the side quest menu. In return for the recipe, you will receive 10,000 rupies, two Champion Merits (which are needed for forging new weapons), and a Critical Damage II Sigil, which increases a character's critical hits damage when equipped.
Don't let the search for the Secret Cocktail Recipe in Granblue Fantasy: Relink become a nightmare. Follow our guide and complete The Forbidden Spirit side quest to find the recipe and claim your rewards!
Liam "CyberScribe" Fletcher, a Kiwi with a flair for fast-paced gameplay and articulate narratives, has emerged as a prominent voice at EsportRanker. Diving deep into the esports universe, Liam crafts comprehensive reviews, strategic insights, and captivating tales from behind the screens.